A while back, I wrote a blog about how there is a time for everything, and that now might your time to consider helping, in some capacity, with foster care. Well, now is All For Family's time for Thanks. Thanks to helping hands, feet, and mouths who shared valuable resource information with us, along with donations of time, materials, and finances, particularly from Lifetime Roofing Company, Vintage Home Services, and Shane's Remodeling Company, All For Family has been able to help two foster/kinship homes with home repairs. We helped connect a couple of families with much needed furniture, and we have, so far, helped supervise two family visits with more visits scheduled and referrals on the way. Thanks to Raintree Church and Cedar Hill Lutheran Church for inviting us to speak to their congregation, and to Children's Division for running background checks for us, we have recruited nearly 20 volunteers. Along with these churches and City on a Hill Church in Arnold, we have also secured at least three host locations for supervised family visits, not including also learning we may be able to use space at Jefferson College. Thanks to High Ridge Elks, we were able to collect a few toy items for when we start our indoor playground, and, thanks to Faith Community Church in House Springs and Living Word Church of the Nazarene, also in House Springs, for hosting for us, as well as those who helped sponsor us, including Image Reality in High Ridge, we were able to hold two successful concert fundraising events. Neither of those concerts would have be possible, however, without the love, dedication, and commitment to serve shown to us by fantastic Christian singing artists: Doyle Hobson, Kevin and Kim Abney, Marty Rodgers, Don Stiles, and the Crestview Christian Temple Band. We will forever be thankful for all of your help, and the amazing performances you gave.
There is a multitude of other things we are thankful for this year, but I likely won't remember to list them all. We do want to say thank you, however, to Arnold Kiwanis and Arnold Rotary Club for inviting me to speak at one of your luncheons, and House Springs IKAGG for allowing me to come as a guest and meet many wonderful people. I, personally, want to also extend a very big thank you to my board members Daniel Denbow, Darrell Missey, Jaclyn Wirt, and Cindy King, and to my family as well. Thank you for believing in our mission, believing in me, and sticking with me.
I know the successes I listed above that we are thankful for this year may not sound like much, particularly when compared to larger organizations. However, given that we just celebrated our one year anniversary on October 9th, I feel we have had a very successful, wonderful year, and we owe it all to you: Our community, our family, and our friends. It truly does take a village to raise a child, and none of this would be possible without your support. I am very confident next year will be an even greater year! I hope to continue to join us and partner with us on this adventure!
So, from everyone at All For Family, have a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!