Happy New Year Everyone, and welcome to 2019. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Let this year be a time for change, a time to help others, and a time to make a true difference in our community. If you are like most of us, you often think that you would like to help out with some cause, or accommplish something great. Then, you find yourself very busy with your kids, your house, your job, etc, and then tell yourself, "Maybe next year. I'm just too busy right now". Let this year be that year to make a difference, however small or insignificant that difference might seem to be. Even small random acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day, such as putting a shopping cart away for someone who is elderly or disabled, or has a baby to put in the car. It could even include making soup for someone you have heard is sick, watching someone's child to give the parents a break, donating clothes, shoes, and other items you know longer use, but someone else might really need. Change has to start somewhere, so let that change begin with you.
Should you find yourself wanting to make a difference in your local community, particularly in the area of foster care, All For Family is having a public informational meeting at Northwest Branch Library at 5680 Missouri Hwy PP, High Ridge, MO 63049 on 2/2/19 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. If you think, I really don't want to be a foster parent. That's okay. Foster Parents really need respite providers to give them a break occasionally so they can refuel to keep doing what they're doing. If being a respite provider is not an option, perhaps you can help with supervised visits, or organize a trivia night, pancake breakfast, chili supper, etc., to help raise money to support our mission or that of other similar organizations. Foster parents often find themselves in need of clothes, furniture, baby items, and so forth. Every little bit helps, and there are numerous ways to help support foster care and foster parents. Therefore, however busy you find yourself, please start somewhere to help make a difference.
I often hear people talk about how broken our foster care system is, and I completely agree. However, I started All For Family when I realized that I couldn't really complain about how bad something was if I wasn't willing to become part of the solution to make it better. I hope you will join me in 2019 as I strive to make a difference. This year is the time for change. Who will join me?