On October 9th, All For Family celebrates our 5th anniversary as a 501c3 non-profit. As we reflect on this momentous occasion, we remember, with great fondness, those who first believed in the vision of all that All For Family could be, and what was possible in terms of helping and supporting the foster care community.
All For Family, as you know, was founded by myself, Angel Williams, along with our founding Board Members: Darrell Missey, Daniel Denbow, Jaci Wirt, Tina Hartung, and, later, Cindy King. The board has changed over the years, and has grown & improved from our meager beginnings, as has the services we provided and the extent we are able to provide them. Now under the stewardship of Amy Baum, our board and non-profit continues to grow & thrive.
As with any non-profit, however, there are often people working behind the scenes that are often never recognized, and their contributions can be easily missed. One of our biggest cheerleaders, who helped encourage me during times I was uncertain I could keep going, and who most believed in my abilities to make a positive difference in our community, was my husband, Dennis Williams. Behind the scenes, he helped make flower arrangements for fundraising events. Countless other times, he helped to entertain our son so I could focus on non-profit work, attend board meetings, give presentations, and often told everyone he knew about the amazing work I and the non-profit was doing for the foster care community. Though I never sought praise or recognition, it always made me smile when I heard him bragging about me when he didn't know I was listening. If you know about my own foster care background, and a history of childhood physical, verbal, and emotional abuse, his words of "praise" meant more to me than he likely ever knew or realized.
My biggest champion, my husband, passed away recently on September 15, 2023. I write this blog in remembrance of him, as I know this non-profit never would have advanced beyond a vision if not for his support, behind the scenes. May we continue to make him proud by helping All For Family continue to grow & thrive.
This past year has placed a financial hardship on our organization with insufficient funds coming in to help sustain us. Fortunately, we have always been very cautious with our spending, so, for now, we are okay, thanks to the donations we have received, along with grants. However, the same may not be true this time next year if our upcoming fundraiser does not go well, and if we do not receive a grant we applied for.
One of the best ways you can help honor my husband, &/or help All For Family celebrate our 6th anniversary next year, is by supporting our October 27th Hoedown Fundraiser at Dew Drop Inn in Bloomsdale. Tickets are on sale now, but time is quickly running out to purchase them. More details can be found at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/679775495807?aff=oddtdtcreator