Greeting Everyone,
First, All For Family would like to thank everyone who has supported us. We would not be where are, with the work we do in supporting foster children & families, without your help & support. We are, once again, in need of your help. As we are sure you know, Covid has prevented us from having larger fundraising events, which we count on to help meet our nonprofit financial needs.
Our planning for the All For Family Holiday Vendor Fair on November 6th is well underway and we are now just two months out! As volunteers and supporters, we need your help to make this successful and profitable. Our goal is to bring in at least $5000 to help fulfill some needs that are required for it to grow. One of those needs is a larger space for visits and the other is administrative support that is going to be absolutely necessary as All For Family grows.
Here are a few ideas Amy Baum, our event coordinator, has listed for ways you can help:
We need you or someone you know with connections to businesses or individuals who might be interested in being a sponsor or donor, to ask them if they would be willing to support All For Family. Sponsors would receive social media recognition, recognition at the event, and any applicable tax deductions. Donations are more likely to be by an individual and can be anonymous. Our goal is to get a minimum of 10 sponsorships or donations of $100 or more.
We need you to ask businesses to donate gift baskets, gift cards, discount vouchers for goods or services, etc.
We need you to ask people to attend the event by sharing social media posts about the event, promoting it to groups you belong to such as church, civic clubs, book clubs, co-workers, and by inviting your friends and family!
We need you to donate a gift card, lottery ticket, or a new or like new item that could be used in a gift basket.
Thank you all so much for your support and help with anything that you can do. We hope that what we accomplish with this event exceeds our expectations and we can be proud of what we have contributed to help foster children and their families!
One person can make a difference! Let change begin with you!